Saturday, March 17, 2007

Danger in Obesity Surgery?

It appears obesity surgery could have complications.

The surgery best known for helping those with obesity is gastric bypass surgery.

The new complication is vitamin deficiency of B1. Without B1, there can be effects on the brain and nervous system, including memory loss.

I had never thought of vitamin deficiency as a problem with this type of surgery. I thought maybe it would be related to the parts of the body that were operated on.

However, I have heard sucess stories related to this surgery. While there is the worry about this, with a good medical team, I think it could be caught before there is damage.

Not only is it healthy to lose unnecessary weight, but it helps a person emotionally. I knew someone who had the surgery done (I met her after the surgery) and she said her life was so much better since then.

I guess a person needs to decide if they feel the some of the dangers are worth the risk, which should be done with all surgeries.

1 comment:

Matt Hund said...

Funny how after the surgery, people eat tiny portions and survive just fine. Doesn't logic say that they could survive just as easy off of smaller portions without putting themselves through surgery? I'm going with the self-control argument, although I know it can be fallible (when the thyroid gets involved).